To get advice as to how acupuncture can be beneficial in your particular case please contact:
Mobile: 07748467912
Acupuncture is a tried and tested system of complementary medicine. It originated in China and has been used to restore, promote and maintain good health for thousands of years. Today many people turn to acupuncture as a safe, natural medicine to help with specific symptoms, or where conventional treatments have not helped. Others choose acupuncture because they generally feel unwell or because they simple want to enhance their feeling of well-being. Acupuncture can also work alongside conventional medical treatments.
Mandy Pitts BSc LicAc [Hons] Dip Tui Na, MBAA
I graduated with a degree and Licentiate in Acupuncture and also practise Tui Na [Chinese Medical Massage].
I am a member of the British Acupuncture Association and the British Acupuncture Federation. With over 1,000 members the British Acupuncture Federation is the first collaborative umbrella organisation of leading professional acupuncture associations within the UK.
I abide by a code of ethics which maintains high standards of education, discipline and practise and I am covered by full public indemnity and liability insurance.
The type of acupuncture I practise combines treatment of your physical symptoms [Traditional Chinese Medicine] with treatment of your emotional well-being[ Five Element Acupuncture]. Also, Tui Na massage is extremely effective in treating acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain and is particularly useful in relieving stress and anxiety. Treatment is usually administered through light clothing.
During my years in practise I have enjoyed the opportunity to help many people with a wide range of health issues- pain relief, muscular/ skeletal problems, headaches, anxiety and stress, menopausal symptoms, nausea, pregnancy ailments, infertility and IVF . Research has shown that acupuncture combined with IVF increases the success rate. See Fertility.
I also do cosmetic acupuncture. See Acupuncture Treatment.